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About Harmony in Health


What is Harmony?

Harmony is a state of balance:

  • in yourself - between mind, body and emotions

  • in your life - between work, rest and play

  • in your relationships - between give and take

  • in your community - between your needs and the needs of others

  • on your planet - a sustainable use of resources and ecological responsibility.


What is Harmony in Health?


We explore certain principles of harmony and how they can be applied in a practical way to promote health and wellbeing, drawing on ancient wisdom and modern disciplines from East and West.

Harmony in health means:

  • Cultivating and maintaining health rather than focusing on diagnosing and trying to cure disease

  • Gentle compassionate and natural interventions that nurture the whole 'environment' in a person, and enhance natural rhythms, rather than interventions that are imposed mechanically and one-dimensionally - regardless of consequences

  • Promoting interaction between and balance of mind, body and emotions

Harmony in Health CIC


The aim of Harmony in Health CIC is to explore health and wellbeing, and provide practical and theoretical education in the field of health and wellbeing in order to benefit a broad section of the community. We are focused on helping two main community groups primarily in the UK and, via online events, more globally.


These groups are:


  1. Adult members of the public, including healthcare professionals, who are interested in taking more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing through a broad-spectrum, holistic approach which includes mind-body disciplines, as well as conventional, dietary and lifestyle, creative and nature-based approaches.  

    These groups may involve people who have ill health - for example, those with long covid syndrome or stress-related conditions – but also people in reasonably good health who are interested both in maintaining their health and in personal development. We aim to benefit a diverse group of people within these communities, including low income and minority groups.


  2. Children and young adults in education.  We are targeting teachers, pupils and students, at all levels of education, by providing resources about health, harmony and wellbeing. To this end we are developing links with “The Harmony Project” (part of the Sustainable Food Trust) with whom we plan to pilot projects firstly in a school in Walton-Upon-Thames followed by a group of Herefordshire schools and then more broadly. Educational materials will be made available on our website.


Our team is inspired by the idea that it is possible to live life in a more harmonious way – both in terms of personal health, wellbeing and integration, and in terms of looking after the environment, ecology and sustainable food production.


Some of these ideas are found in particular in ancient wisdom traditions and philosophies (e.g. Pythagoras and Plato) and traditional systems of medicine (such as Ayurveda, Unani Tibb and Traditional Chinese Medicine). More recently, His Majesty King Charles 111 stimulated much interest in the ideas of Harmony in relation to architecture, farming, the environment and health in his book Harmony: a new way of looking at our world.


Our team find that many of these ideas resonate with our own understanding of health, wellbeing and personal development but recognise that no one person or discipline has all the answers. We therefore chose to establish a community interest company through which we can collaborate with healthcare and creative professionals, and experts from other fields such as Music, Dance, Art, Design and Architecture. With such a transdisciplinary team we will organise and deliver educational events such as seminars, workshops, lectures, debates, workshops, residential courses and produce theoretical material for the public.


We take a broad view of health in line with the definition of the World Health Organisation:

 “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

(Preamble to the Constitution of WHO as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19 June - 22 July 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of WHO, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.)


Our primary aim is to educate people, theoretically and practically, about:

  • Health and wellbeing, lifestyle and the environment (built and natural)

  • Ways in which people can take more personal responsibility for themselves - individually and in their communities. 

  • Finding more harmony in schools; offering resources and support to enable a harmonious environment and curriculum, harmonious activities and a more harmonious way of being for teachers and children.


Our main activities will include: 


  • Exploring and researching “harmony principles" in relation to the health and wellbeing of the individual, the community and the environment


  • Recruiting a transdisciplinary team of experts in different fields interested in the same aims

  • Building a publicly available resource of material on a variety of health and wellbeing topics, including lifestyle and the environment (built and natural).

    This will be researched and published by the company either on its website and social media or in print, for example: recorded and written material about principles of harmony, nutrition, aromatherapy, mind-body disciplines, traditional systems of medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Hippocratic Medicine), Yoga, Alexander technique, Qigong, Music and Dance, Art and Craft, Nature therapy etc.


  • Collaborating in particular with ‘The Harmony Project’, to develop a curriculum and materials for schools that links learning to Nature’s Harmony Principles.


  • Researching and recording educational videos for teachers and school children focused on harmony, health and education.  These will include activities that help promote mind/body integration and inner balance, for example, coordinated movements, songs and rhythm activities and activities that engage the senses.

  • Developing resources to offer support to students in tertiary education.

We will also produce written handouts on key topics including the outlines and benefits of the videos. These will be made available on our website and piloted in schools. We plan to distribute these materials more widely and train teachers in their use.

  • Offering practical activities, workshops, seminars, lectures and other training programs, both online and in person, conducted by suitably qualified people drawn from a transdisciplinary team of experts in different fields. These events will be on particular topics helping to bring a more balanced, harmonious state of health, for example, workshops on particular topics such as respiration, exercise, diet according to “type”, or events to address particular issues, such as long covid, stress, backpain.

  • Residential events at which there will be the opportunity for:

    • one-to-one sessions (massage, reflexology, Alexander technique, dietary advice)

    • practical classes (movement, dance, cooking, exercise, mindfulness, art, geometry, design)

    • theoretical classes (use of herbs and spices, neuroscience).

  • Provide and advocate compassionate and natural approaches to health that nurture the whole 'environment' within a person and focus on restoring and sustaining health.

  • Connecting more widely with individuals and teams in similar fields in the community

Who are we?

Find out all about our wonderful multidisciplinary team
Harmony Principles

Seven Core Principles of Harmony in Nature
Inner Harmony

An essay exploring some of the ideas that inspire us
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